Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 25

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Pooh Bear's Web Page

Greyhound  : :  Male

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Pooh Bear has an adoption pending.

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About Pooh Bear

  • Status: Available for Adoption (adoption pending) (adoption info)
  • Species: Dog
  • Color: Red Brindle

Pooh Bear was recently relinquished through no fault of his and his adopter was very sad to have to make the difficult decision to relinquish him. He was definately loved and it shows--he's a big, gentle giant who is a big "mooshie" boy. He loves to be petted and attention but isn't pushy or overbearing.  He gets along with other dogs but can also be an only dog.  He is turning 10 years old in January. If you are interested in this vibrant, happy boy who doesn't look or act his act, contact Linda at 732 356 4370.
Original Posting

Max's Pooh Bear is a sweet, sweet, tall boy. He is very friendly, gives kisses and is a cuddler. He is definitely one of those big "mooshie" boys who we have come to love. He is affectionate and a hugger--can you tell that he was one of our favorites.  He walks very well on leash.  Pooh Bear is 3 years old and cat workable in that he was interested in the cat but easily corrected away from the cat.

Other Pictures of Pooh Bear (click to see larger version):

Pooh Bear Pooh Bear Pooh Bear