Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 19

  Search Successes

  Greyhound Running



 The Adoption Process

The adoption process begins when you have decided that a greyhound is the right dog for you. We ask you to fill out an application that gives us some information about your lifestyle, children, other pets as well as the amount of time you spend away from home, whether you have a fenced-in yard, and a few other things. The information you provide helps us find a dog that will be the perfect match for you.  

  • Due to the high costs of spay/neuters and transportation costs, the following adoption fees are effective:
    US retired racing greyhounds - $750
    International dogs - $1000
  • As of 6/1/2020 the $25 Application Fee has been suspended as GFNJ can not guarantee a greyhound for every person who submits an application. Dogs 7 years and older are adopted at a reduced adoption donation.
  • After you apply, check your email for information from Linda Leyman containing how to contact her to discuss your application. 
  • When you speak to Linda, she will review your application and answer any of your questions. If you have a veterinarian, we'll call them to inquire about the care and treatment of your previous or current pets. Naturally, we don't want to release a greyhound to a home where other pets are not neutered or their shots are not up-to-date and the dog is on regular heartworm preventative
  • Once you have been approved, we begin looking for your dog. Before adoption, all dogs are spayed or neutered, receive rabies and distemper shots,  are tested for heartworm and receive Drontal Plus as a worming treatment. Only dogs that pass a test to determine they are "cat tolerant" are placed in homes with small animals.  Even then, we give you a basket muzzle for the introduction to your current pets.
  • NEW - we will ask you to bring a tag to the adoption that says "If I'm loose, I'm lost". This tag should include your home phone number, cell phone number and possibly your address  (not necessary). We will contact you after the first few days to see how things are going. Of course, you can call us if you have any concerns or questions about your new greyhound.


Here are a few things to know about bringing a greyhound into your home:

NEVER let your greyhound run free unless it's in a fenced-in yard! An unleashed ex-racer will show you what kind of speed they can reach in just seconds.  Even the most loyal and loving dog will run out an open door sometimes never to be seen again.

  • Greyhounds, like many large breeds tend to eat their food very quickly taking air into their stomachs as they gulp.  It is important that your new dog is fed a small meal TWICE a day rather than one large meal. This will minimize the possibility of bloat which can be fatal.
  • Feed your grey a good quality dog food. Adjusting to a new diet can result in diarrhea for the few day or two.
  • If you have other dogs at home, make sure to introduce your newest member in a neutral area, perhaps outside.  Your home is your current dog's den and this way, you can avoid territorial squabbles. Or, you can bring your dog along to the initial meeting at the kennel.
  • Never leave your new greyhound and your cat or small dog alone together for the first few weeks until you are sure they are okay together.
  • Greyhounds do well in households where the owners are away at work, but we suggest you do not leave your dog over 8 hours without getting a dog walker, at least in the beginning. 
  • We strongly suggest that you crate-train your new dog to help its adjustment to your home. The crate provides the dog with a den, where it can find comfort and security until it gets used to its new surroundings.  No one should enter or reach into the crate when the dog is in it.
  • We do not disqualify you as an adopter if you don't have a fenced-in yard which provides your grey with an opportunity for more exercise. Greyhounds are very adaptable, and many enjoy simply being walked on a leash three to four times a day.
  • Greyhounds are good with children as long as the children are good with them.  No child should be left unsupervised with any animal.  The child should know not to approach the dog when it is sleeping or eating. 

 Please click here for additional information on greyhounds and children...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Will my greyhound be altered before I adopt it?
Yes, all the greyhounds we place are altered, inoculated, checked for heartworms and have their teeth cleaned.

Q. How long does the adoption process take?
We start our adoption process as soon as we receive your application. It usually takes 1 to 3 weeks for you to get your dog giving you plenty of time to get ready.

Q. Are greyhounds compatible with other animals? 
Yes, most of the dogs we place can live happily with cats and other small animals but all our greys are tested to insure that they are "cat safe". They also enjoy the company of other dog breeds. Naturally, there are always exceptions so indicate what animals you currently have on the application so we can find the best match. Greyhounds are very gentle and non-aggressive so they may not defend themselves if attacked. 

Q. How do I pay the Application Fee/Adoption Fee?
As of 6/1/2020 the $25 Application Fee has been suspended as GFNJ can not guarantee a greyhound for every person who submits an application. You can pay the Adoption Fee by cash, check or credit card or use the GFNJ On-Line Cart found on the Home Page of this website.

Q. Do I have to buy a crate?
If you buy your own crate, make sure you get the proper size which allows your dog to turn around, stand up, lay down and stretch out fully on his side with room to spare 

Q. Can I let my greyhound run loose on my property?
Greyhounds must be on a leash unless in a fenced yard. Even the most loving and loyal grey will run given the chance so be sure not to leave your doors open either. In two or three strides they are up to 45 MPH and you won't catch them. Greyhounds, like all Sight Hounds  can see clearly for more than half a mile and their attention can easily be captured by any small animal or motion. They are not street wise, and do not consider the traffic. Greyhounds cannot find their way home after a romp on the loose.

Q. What supplies do I need for the dog?
Leash and collar (a special martingale collar made especially for greyhounds and leash is included in the adoption fee), crate, bowls, blanket or bed, and a healthy dog food.  NEW - we will ask you to bring a tag to the adoption that says "If I'm loose, I'm lost".  This tag should include your home phone number, cell phone number and possibly your address (the tags are small, so include as much information as you can).

Q. Are greyhounds good with kids?
Yes, as long as your kids are good with animals. Children should be taught to respect your dog always, but it is especially important while your ex-racer adjusts to life in a house. These gentle dogs make wonderful companions for everyone but they may need some time to get used to your family...they've never had one before.

Q. How long can a greyhound be left alone?
When you first bring your grey home, it's best that you spend a couple days together while he learns about your house.  Remember, it's all new to them. After a few days, a grey can be left alone for eight to nine hours. Any longer, we advise that you get a dog walker.

Q. How long do they live?
With proper care, a greyhound generally lives 12-14 years.

Q. Are they hyper?
No, some people are surprised to learn that these ex-racers are very calm and actually couch potatoes in the home. They do not require any more exercise than any other dog breed, in fact, there many breeds that require more than a greyhound.         

Q. What is the typical size of a greyhound?
Males weigh between 65 to 85 pounds and stand 26 to 30 inches tall at the shoulder. Females weigh 50 to 65 pounds and stand 23 to 26 inches tall at the shoulder. A Greyhound is a large dog, but their movements are graceful. This breed is not in-your-face and in-your-way every minute of the day. They often curl up in a tight ball when they sleep and are happy to just be in the same room with their person. Because of this they tend to fit into the household routine quickly.

Q. How old are the dogs and can I get either gender?
Most of greyhounds we place are from 2 to 5 years old which is when they generally end their racing career. We do get older dogs that may have been used for breeding or have come back to us from a family that can no longer care for them.  All make great pets. Males and females are always available.

Q. Are greyhounds suited to apartment living?
Yes, their quiet nature is perfect for apartments as long as they get a walk everyday. Most greyhound owners will tell you that their dog spends most of the day sleeping. 


The following article by Dr. Jeff Grogner, DVM, is reprinted with permission from the American Kennel Club Gazette.  We enourage you to share it with your veterinarian.

Over the centuries, the Greyhound has been singled out as a superior racing breed.  In their quest to produce the fastest dogs, breeders have selected for traits that set Greyhounds apart from other dogs.  The result was the fastest of the canines, but also other characteristics that make this sight hound different from other dogs. 

For instance, Greyhound's scores on blood tests do not fall within established normal canine ranges, they experience their own unique medical conditions, and they handle anesthetics unlike other breeds of dogs.  Their idiosyncrasies must be recognized when Greyhounds are in need of medical care. Another obvious dissimilarity between Greyhounds and other breeds is that they have higher quantities of red blood cells.  As athletes, they need these to carry higher oxygen loads to their working muscles.  One way to measure red blood cells is with a packed cell volume (PCV) - a tiny blood sample is spun in a tube to separate the cells from serum.  The quantity of red blood cells that settle to the bottom is measured as a percentage of the total volume. Though the normal canine range for a PCV is 37 to 55, Greyhounds typically have levels between 41 and 64.  A PCV of 38 is normal for any other dog, whereas a Greyhound with this result is anemic. 

Greyhounds are well known for their low thyroid hormone (T4) levels.  They also frequently have clinical signs such as cold intolerance, inactivity, and hair thinning that can be wrongly confused with hypothyroidism.  For this reason, hypothyroidism is often misdiagnosed in Greyhounds.  A full thyroid panel, not just the T4 value coupled with clinical signs, is required to determine if a Greyhound has this disease. Because Greyhounds are so well muscled, they produce a lot of cretonne - the breakdown product of protein.  Normal canine levels peak at 1 milligram per deciliter whereas healthy Greyhounds have values up to 1.6. Because cretonne levels also rise with kidney disease, not knowing this breed's reference range can lead to a misdiagnosis of kidney failure. A Greyhound's heart is unique, again due to the breed's athletic nature.  It is larger on radiographs than the heart of a dog of similar body stature.  Some Greyhounds also have a murmur, which is caused by the massive amount of blood pumped and not by heart malfunction. 

Greyhounds have some unusual skin disorders.  Ventral comedo syndrome affects many Greyhounds on their chests, where their skin makes contact with the ground.  Trauma to the hair shafts blocks hair follicles, causing the formation of a comedo (blackhead).  There is no specific treatment for this condition, though shampooing with benzoyl peroxide products can help. Bald thighs syndrome is a non-itchy, non-inflammatory alopecic (hair loss) condition that afflicts the backsides of the hind legs of Greyhounds.  There is no known cause and no specific treatment.  It often resolves within a few months of retirement from racing.  It sometimes responds to thyroid hormone supplementation. 

Greyhounds have a reputation for having difficulty under anesthetics.  The sedative acepromazine can be used, but only at a low dose.  Greyhounds are extra sensitive to acepromazine's effects.  Complete recovery from thiobarbiturate anesthetics can take up to eight hours, whereas a non-Greyhound takes only one or two hours to clear the drug.  This is due to the poor metabolism of the anesthetic by the liver.  Thankfully, there are a number of anesthetics available today that are much safer for this breed - isoflurane is the best example. As more and more retired racing Greyhounds are placed in family homes (about 18,000 annually), more idiosyncrasies are sure to come to light.  Understanding these unique differences will improve both diagnostic testing and treatment regimes for members of this elite breed. 

Please click here to go to a printable version of the above article