Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 25

  Search Successes
Adoption Application New
Thank you for your application to adopt one of our retired racing greyhounds.  Feel free to contact Greyhound Friends of NJ with any questions you have during the application process.
5/1/2020 Due to a decrease in the number of retired racing greyhounds, GFNJ is not able to accommodate every application. T he Application Fee is currently waived.
Your greyhound will be spayed or neutered, their teeth cleaned, the inoculations updated and a heartworm test will be given. Your greyhound will receive a new Martingale collar and leash which are used for greyhounds.
After completing the application, you may be contacted via email from . Please keep an eye out for this email, including checking your Trash and Spam folders.
As of 10/10/22 the Adoption Fee for overseas dogs has increased to $1000.
As of 11/15/22 the Adoption Fee for US racers has increased to $750.

This is to help defray some of the cost of welcoming these dogs to GFNJ.