Greyhound Friends of NJ, Inc.
222 Long Neck Circle
Millsboro, NJ 19966 -0669
(732) 356-4370
Dogs: 18

  Search Successes
Newsletter Logo GFNJ Home Stretch Fall/Winter 2014


Dear Greyhound Friends,

The past several months have been filled with new greyhounds coming to our GFNJ family. It is so exciting to have new arrivals and they are welcomed with open arms, especially those who need some special care. Recently we welcomed greys with broken legs who needed surgery; some with skin conditions that just needed treatment; and a very special boy who is mostly blind. Nathan Bones is a sweet boy who has an eye condition that is progressive and not treatable. Within weeks he found a devoted for-ever home where he is welcome and happy as a lark—he even has a ball that makes a noise so that he knows where it is! How wonderful for him and his new family.

We are familiar with the Seven Wonders of the World and now recently Greyhound Friends of NJ has acquired seven grey-hound wonders - seven siblings that recently retired. They consist of five boys and two girls who are three years old and beyond adorable. We have never welcomed this number of siblings, and thrilled that GFNJ was entrusted to find them forever homes. All but one has been adopted and I know that Mack will be in his forever home soon. We look forward to seeing their family (siblings) reunite at picnics and that they are now part of our bigger family.

Our GFNJ family is entrusted with the care and responsibility of these precious greyhounds; we are ardent in passing this knowledge on to our adopters. Ask anyone who has talked to me about adopting or been interviewed during the adoption process. My number one goal is the safety of our dogs and your family. Once those two important areas are taken care of, just about everything else falls nicely into place.
2014 Fall Newsletter 1

Safety for our greyhounds is addressed in this Newsletter with some basic, common sense ideas: keep GFNJ tag on your dog and your own tag with your cell phone number; lock the gates; watch the doors. I am also excited that technology can now help out, and make everyone’s lives easier. It is now possible to GPS your pets and GFNJ has teamed with Tagg– The Pet Tracker system to help do this. The Tagg system is available to you to purchase for your own dogs and all newly arriving dogs will be outfitted with Tagg for their duration in foster care. Providing Taggs for the dogs in foster care has been made possible through the generous bequest of Board member Terryl Jackson. Terryl’s gifts also make the vetting and care of foster dogs possible. Terryl has left us but her generosity, love of greyhounds and dedication to their well-being continues. We miss her but feel she is not very far away.

We are very happy to announce that Pineland Country Kennel (formerly Tabernacle Bed & Biscuit) is now under the new management of Dennis and Cathy Brath. They are a joy to work with and bring a level of professionalism that is refreshing. Den-nis’ knowledge and love of dogs is impressive and his respect for what we do is most appreciated. Pineland Country Kennel is an important piece in the process of welcoming our greys from Florida. The kennel is where the dog hauler brings the dogs, where they are processed, and receive their spa day. We have our regular Adoption Days there and September 21st marks our third year holding our Fall Picnic at this location (details inside.)

We race towards a busy fall and winter season. After the picnic, we will be welcoming two Galgos on October 5, Bitel and Guapa. More information will be coming on our website and Facebook page. Extending our good fortune, knowledge and compas-sion to these 2 dogs is just a token of our concern for our foreign friends. As always, I want to emphasize the generous spirits of our adopters and volunteers that allow us to continue and to improve our efforts.

Finally, bringing us to the Holiday season is our Craft Show & Pet Expo, which will again be held at the Westfield Armory on November 15th and 16th. We look forward to your participation, volunteerism and support at our events.

Thank you for everything you do for your pets and for Greyhound Friends of New Jersey. We certainly could not continue without you.



2013 Fall Picture16                                                          2014 Fall Newsletter 2  Guapa 
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2014 Fall Newsletter 3


Featured Foster Parent Spotlight - Elaine Young

How did you become involved with fostering greyhounds?              

We recently arrived from the UK (with one grey) and wanted to keep our options open for returning. We thought by fostering, we could be around our favorite dogs, but not worry about having to herd up a whole pack to ship home.

We also thought our situation was ideal to give older dogs a home too.  Well, that was the plan - now we have two greys of our own - and no plans to get passports for them anytime soon. 

How many greyhounds have you fostered?           

We have fostered 15 and 4 of those became permanent family members.  We did have a couple of older greys and

although our time together was short it was certainly sweet.  It's as if the mature dogs understand they need to speed up the bonding process, so are super affectionate and before you know it you can't imagine your life before they came. 

How many greyhounds have you fostered?         

We have fostered 15 and 4 of those became permanent family members.  We did have a couple of older greys and although our time together was short it was certainly sweet.  It's as if the mature dogs understand they need to speed up the bonding process, so are super affectionate and before you know it you can't imagine your life before they came.  

Who are you currently fostering?

At the moment we have Gable Kung Pao (pictured) who is a super sweet young boy,  currently asleep at my feet as I write this.  He’s a very handsome, fawn boy whose special skill is enthusiastic greetings (slobber alert). 

2014 Fall Newsletter 4

What is the best part about fostering greyhounds?

You never know who the new foster you pick up from the kennel will turn out to be.  Sometimes the dogs are a little subdued or unsure, and watching the transformation to happy, playful and confident dogs is really fun and very rewarding.  Amazingly, no two dogs are alike and we always find a new, funny individual little quirk with each foster. New dogs can be very puppy like in some respects, in that they are playful and curious about their surroundings, but unlike puppies they are usually already housebroken and pretty well trained.  It never fails to make me laugh though, when a new dog is looking at itself in the mirror for the first time or trying to locate the dogs currently on the TV.  You do need to watch though, or you will find a sock or shoe (or your breakfast/lunch/insert any food item here) being carried off to a bed for a full inspection.  Those long noses and little front teeth are ideal tools for sneaking things off tables or out of small places. Greys also have a special walk, like prancing along on tiptoes, for when they are doing something naughty, we call it the ‘trouble trot’.

Another great part of fostering is seeing your foster going off with a new forever family and not looking back.   We also love seeing follow-up photos of our fosters, happy and relaxed in their new homes. Often we think our fosters have traded up and sometimes wish we could move in too.

What is a negative about fostering?

The empty space that's left in your heart and home when your foster leaves.  It is temporary though, and you do get over it. 

In what ways did you have to adjust your daily schedule to accommodate your foster dog?                 

We have a routine already established with our own two greys, so we just add one more bowl and bed to the plan.  Also, unless the new foster comes with an easy name, we usually call them “Newdog”, which may seem a little impersonal, but it's easy for us if a foster needs a quick correction and means the new family can choose a name of their own.  

What advice would you give to people thinking about fostering a greyhound in the future? 

Just do it!  If you think you will get attached to your foster you are right, you will, and that is not a bad thing.  But it doesn't mean you can't let your foster go to another, equally loving, home and family. 

2014 Fall Newsletter 5 

Some really wonderful kids -  Hannah and Charlotte (along with greyhound Cleo) donated $400 to GFNJ.  Hannah has been saving money and having yard sales since Christmas, and her friend Charlotte has been helping along the way. Thanks so much girls - the greyhounds appreciate your kindness and generosity! 

GFNJ Annual Fall Picnic
Sunday, September 21st 11 am to 3 pm ~ Rain or Shine
Pineland Country Kennel, 46 Carranza Road, Tabernacle, NJ

Spend The Day With Other Adopters & their Wonderful Greyhounds!

Pot Luck Lunch ~ Great Vendors ~ Exciting Raffle
Adoptable Greyhounds ~ Including Prison Foster Dogs – Available to Pre-approved Applicants

Would you like to bring food for the Pot Luck Lunch? Go to for the sign-up sheet  ~ 
Or contact Patty at patty.comerford@gmail.comor 732 566-2226

(Monetary donation requested for your meal)

         We’ll collect Used Cell Phones/iPads/iPods ~ Coke Rewards ~ 

Used medications, gently used coats & collars for Spanish Galgos & our Prison Foster Dogs

2014 Fall Newsletter 6 2014 Fall Newsletter 7 GREYHOUND FUN RUN

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2014 Fall Newsletter 11 How about volunteering for set up & break down for the picnic?
Contact Ellen at  

Bring a chair for yourself & a blanket for your Greyhound!

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One of GFNJ’s collaborations that we are proud to be a part of is NorthStar VETS. 

Many of our adopted greyhounds have become blood donors at NorthStar Vets.  We thank the owners and their dogs that have committed to this great cause.  Greyhounds are the very best donors and one unit of blood can save 2 - 4 lives.  It's a wonderful feeling to "pay it forward".  Our greyhounds have a permanent home and now they are saving lives.  A win for everyone!  If you are interested in having your greyhound screened to be a donor, contact Maria Lutz at or 732-521-8330.

2014 Fall Newsletter 16 Top Ten List  by Ellen Ganopoulos

This year the Greyhound Friends of NJ Craft Show & Pet Expo will be celebrating its 18th year - and every year the show is getting bigger and better. We have quite a few new offerings for the show this year, such as a dedicated web-page and a photo contest for a show program "Cover Dog" (details TBA - get your cameras ready!). But while there are countless reasons to spend the weekend with greyfolk and hounds from all over the tri-state area as well as the beautiful adoptable greyhounds at the show, I've compiled my "Top Ten" list below for your enjoyment. Please remember how important your support for this event is; your attendance, your sponsorships, and your generosity ensure that GFNJ can spend 2015 placing even more greyhounds into loving homes.  See you at the show! :)

10. Well over 60 vendors with a plethora of merchandise for people and pets

9.   Super Basket Raffle with incredible prizes, all donated by our generous members/supporters

8.   Live music by the lovely Carolyn Messina

7.   High-quality digital pet photos with the jolliest Dog Santa's around

6.   Delicious burgers, hot dogs and more at GFNJ's hot grill "The Grey Cafe". Yumm!

5.   Affordable admission, easy "no steps" access to the show floor and plenty of free parking - and you can print out your $1.00 off coupon online before the show!

4.   Live presentations - bigger and better this year with "A Brief History of Greys" by Pat Horan, "Ick! Is That a Tick? Pests, Parasites, and Preventatives" by Ellen G. and a special presentation by Telma Shaw and Marylou Hecht from Galgo Podenco Support.

3.   Our wonderful sponsors - we appreciate their generosity and support!

2.   Incredible Bake Sale with a mountain of fresh cakes, cookies, candies, and more

1.   Seeing old friends, making new ones, and celebrating our passion for greyhound adoption together, while ensuring that GFNJ will have the resources needed to fill even more homes with fast, furry bundles of greyhound love in 2015.

For information on sponsorships for the show please contact Linda Lyman at

For vendor information/applications please contact Patty at

For volunteering at the show please contact Ellen at

2014 Fall Newsletter 17

Keeping your Greyhound Safe    Courtesy of Greyhound Adventures ~

~ Make sure your dog is wearing a collar that is properly fitted.  Rule of thumb is that you should be able to fit 2 fingers between the collar and your dog’s neck.

~ ALWAYS have identification tags on your dogs with your phone number.  Include your cell phone number - if you are out looking for a lost dog, it is the best way to contact you.

~ If you do not like the sound of tags, tape them together or buy a tag silencer but keep them ON.  This includes the GFNJ tag with the GFNJ phone number (732 356 4370). If you need a new GFNJ tag, please contact Linda a

~ Keep your dog on a leash at all times and always hold the leash around your wrist.   Create a slip knot with the leash to put around your wrist then then wrap the leash around your hand.

~ Leash your grey BEFORE opening the door.  This includes the house and car.  Taking your dogs out the side car door gives you more control then opening the back hatch.

~ NEVER use a flexi lead. If you drop the handle and your dog takes off, they will be frightened by the plastic handle clanking behind. 

~ NEVER let your dog run lose unless in a fully enclosed area with at least a five foot fence. 

~ Check that all gates to your yard are closed PRIOR to letting your dog out. 

~ Consider having gates that can only be opened from the inside so that people/neighbors cannot simply walk in. 

~ Place signs on your fence letting strangers know that you have dogs that may be in the yard. 

~ If you are running your dog in a fenced field, check the perimeter is secure and gates are closed. 

~ If you are traveling with your dog, consider temporary id including where you are staying. 

~ Anticipate the season: Fireworks and thunderstorms can be terrifying to dogs. If you have a door with a screen on top only, remove the screen window to the storm door to give out the Halloween candy so that the door can remain closed. Consider a baby gate as an additional barrier if you are entertaining. 

~ NEVER leave your dogs outside alone. Dogs can do some pretty amazing things if they become panicked including scaling a fence.

~ Consider alternative means of identification such as micro chipping or a GPS collar (like the Tagg collar).

2014 Fall Newsletter 18 Greyhound Friends of NJ has teamed up with Tagg –
The Pet Tracker to keep pets safe and healthy.


The Tagg™ pet tracking system allows you to track your pet’s location and activity from your computer or mobile device. You can see where your dog is or monitor his activity levels 24/7. The lightweight pet tracker attaches to your dog's existing collar, and is designed to be worn at all times, even while swimming. It turns your existing collar into a GPS collar for your dog!

There are 2 ways to purchase a Tagg collar and help GFNJ: 

1. Buy a Tagg collar directly from GFNJ for $80.

(it normally sells for $99.95) Profits will go directly to GFNJ. Shipping for one system - $5.60

Contact Linda Lyman for info on buying a Tagg from GFNJ—

Your purchase includes:
         Tagg Tracker, 1 Docking Station, Collar Clip Assembly, Power Kit
         Tagg Service Plan for the first 3 months. 
         After three months, Tagg service is $9.95/month.

         No service commitment
         One-time $14.95 activation fee
2014 Fall Newsletter 19



Tagg Pet Family Plan

Tagg was designed to work with more than one pet.  If you have multiple pets in your household that you would like to monitor with the Tagg service, you need to buy the Add-a-Pet Tracker (each $98.95 and NOT available through GFNJ) for each additional pet.  Each Add-a-Pet tracker has a low monthly service charge of $4.95 per month (up to nine Add-a-Pet trackers).
• 30 day refund policy                

 -or - 2. Use Tagg It Forward

What Is Tagg It Forward and How Does It Work?

Tagg It Forward is a donation with purchase program that Tagg created to support pet-friendly non-profits like GFNJ.  Share GFNJ’s code with anyone that has a pet. Have them enter TIF1087 at checkout to receive 10% off when they purchase a Tagg Tracker at, or by phone through Customer Care at 1.855.738.8244.  For each purchase, Tagg It Forward       donates $25.00 to GFNJ.

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If anyone has a raffle prize for the Craft Show & Pet Expo, please contact      
Maria Lutz at or 732 521-8330 

If you’d like to help GFNJ save money by receiving your newsletter through email only, or need to update your correct  email or home address,

please notify Patty Comerford at with changes.

Don’t Forget to Renew Your Annual Membership!

Become a GFNJ Member or Renew your Membership Today

Your membership dues go for the care of the greyhounds

 Please mail your check, payable to Greyhound Friends of New Jersey, Inc. with this form to:

(Please Print Your Form Clearly or use an Address Label)

Greyhound Friends of New Jersey, Inc., P.O. Box 4416, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-0669.

Name ________________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________ 

Phone __________________________ Email Address _________________________________


Amount Enclosed $________________

□ $25 donation - members receive a GFNJ license plate holder

□ $50 donation - members receive a GFNJ T-shirt

□ $100 donation - members receive a GFNJ sweatshirt

□ No thanks, I don’t want a premium — please use the entire donation to help the greyhounds

     T-shirt/sweatshirt size: □ S □ M □ L □ XL